[pianotech] basic or full service

Mr. Mac's tune-repair at allegiance.tv
Fri Mar 12 12:36:47 MST 2010

Wim, List,

There has been important input on this subject.

Somehow, though, in all the discussion, nothing has materialize that would constitute a pat formula for charging customers that would work in all situations.

The ultimate question that I had to decide for myself long ago is this:
What is it that I am willing to go into someone else's life and perform a service that will not disappoint them or me, and what is that worth to both of us?

So when someone calls and ask, "What do I charge to tune a piano?", I say this.

The tuning visit charge is this, $XXX, repairs/adjustments are additional, and I charge mileage when I travel to other communities than my own. That cost is $xxx per mile one way.

It's that simple. Either the inquiring customer accepts what I've quoted in time, or they don't.


Keith McGavern, RPT

On Mar 12, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Wimblees at aol.com wrote:

>> Well, today, I came up with a brilliant idea. From now on, when a customer calls asking for my tuning fee, I will tell them that my "basic" tuning fee will be $%%%

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