[pianotech] basic or full service

David Love davidlovepianos at comcast.net
Fri Mar 12 22:30:55 MST 2010

I too was visited by the archangel of the golden hammer who with
outstretched finger declared, “you shall be a tunertech and all good things
will come to pass wherever you may go”.  And after forty years of wandering
the desert in search of the lost guild, pursued by  Bedouins tugging at my
frock asking me to tune their golden harps at every oasis I finally gave in
to my calling and led the minions to the promised land of narrow fifths and
bottomless well temperaments.  Say hallelujah.  

David Love

Wim, List,

For some reason unbeknownst to me, paying bills and/or being hungry for
business has never been an issue in my life. "No brag, just fact." (Will

I basically tend to keep the spread between what I owe and what I might make
far apart from one another. And continue to do so today, even more so. This
eliminates having to changing tactics, so to speak, as that is my tactic.

For the record tuning and repairing pianos is a calling for me that happened
to become a business career. So I really don't understand the concept of
trying to get business. It just happens where I am. If it didn't happen that
way, something else would eventually materialize for me to do.

I do realize that this isn't the case for some where tuning and repairing
pianos is a business rather than a calling. I also know that there are
numerous, necessary budget scenarios for others of which I don't certainly
call into question. Everyone has to work out their own particulars when what
they are experiencing don't pan out.


Keith McGavern, RPT

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