[pianotech] basic or full service

Mr. Mac's tune-repair at allegiance.tv
Sat Mar 13 07:15:39 MST 2010

On Mar 13, 2010, at 7:43 AM, pgmilkie at juno.com wrote:

> Pack everything you want to take with you and move to a different state. Then you will get a feel for what some people are going through. Its not going to just happen where ever you move,( no one knows you).

Paul, List,

Why would I choose to do such a thing, that is, move from a place where I know I belong. I've already expressed that I don't call into question what others are experiencing. But I certainly don't feel that it is necessary for me to make choices that would not benefit the life I've come to know as valid and purposeful.

However, if I were led to do such a thing, and I still were in the activity of tuning and repairing pianos, it still would not change the response I mentioned:

"The tuning visit charge is this, $XXX, repairs/adjustments are additional, and I charge mileage when I travel to other communities than my own. That cost is $xxx per mile one way."

The numbers might change depending on location, but not the concept of answering an inquiry into how much does it cost, or how much do I charge.

As to not being known wherever I might end up or not having something to do. Just doesn't seem possible that such a thing could ever occur unless I went against better judgement.


Keith McGavern, RPT

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