[pianotech] basic or full service

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 14 00:16:24 MST 2010

The wife and I just watched "Up in the Air".  No one is firing me at anytime in the future except an occasional client.   

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Floyd Gadd" <fg at floydgadd.com>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Received: 3/13/2010 7:27:15 PM
Subject: Re: [pianotech] basic or  full service

>Re: Keith's posts and associated responses.
>There's no point in pursuing adversity for its own sake.
>I think we should be happy for Keith that he as had a long run of things going well 
>for him, and that this is consistent with a pretty clear sense of calling to what he is 
>doing, and with a stated intention of running his business with integrity.  Let's not 
>begrudge him this.  Isn't this what we want for each other?
>It is worth saying, however, that finding our calling and pursuing it with integrity is 
>no guarantee that we will not face severe adversity.  Sometimes the ability to 
>persevere through the tough times is what lends credibility to our sense of calling.  
>I too live with a strong sense of calling.  Piano service is not the crown jewel of that 
>calling, but occupies a significant place within it.  I seek to run my business with 
>intelligence and creativity, but I appreciate with Marshall and Wim the challenge of 
>pushing through the challenges of the multi-year start-up curve.  
>To all of you whose business if unfolding as you dreamed it would, I am happy for 
>you.  May it continue to go well!   To those of you who feel like you are pushing 
>against the odds, even though to the best of your understanding you are where 
>you belong, hang in there!  Look for a way to distinguish yourself in the 
>marketplace, and don't give up easily.
>Best wishes!
>Floyd Gadd,
>Manitoba Chapter

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