[pianotech] 1925 Wurlitzer Value

John Dorr a440 at bresnan.net
Sat Mar 20 18:06:50 MDT 2010


Another unbiased 3rd party resource is Larry Fine's "Acoustic and Digital 
Piano Buyer" book.  Go to http://www.pianobook.com/  If memory serves, you 
don't have to purchase it, he actually makes it available for reading online.

In that book is a table of piano values sorted by age, name brand and 
condition.  It's just a thumbnail sketch, but in my view it's purty darn 
accurate fer what it is!

I DID buy the hard copy, and it makes great reading for an overview of the 
kinds of questions your clientele are likely to ask.  Well worth the 
investment, as is the original (newest edition) Piano Book.

Hope this helps.

John Dorr, RPT
Helena, MT... still hoping we get to play together again in the A440 Big Band 
in VEGAS!!!

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