[pianotech] Las Vegas convention

Robin Stevens pianobee at bigpond.com
Tue Mar 23 00:56:10 MDT 2010

David it would be nice if the convention organisers say that they have eye
balled the rooms for the convention and say there is no problems. When we
had our convention in South Australia in 2004, myself and the committee were
shown the rooms which they were holding for the convention so that we could
be satisfied with their condition.
All of the Australian conventions have been held in top class venues and
first class accommodation offered. It would a shame if myself and my two
colleagues ended up in rooms as described by a big majority of the reviewers
of bally's ;-((
Robin Stevens


-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf
Of David Ilvedson
Sent: Tuesday, 23 March 2010 2:01 PM
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Las Vegas convention

I find it hard to believe that PTG would be holding the convention in a
dump.   I would forward some questions to the convention leaders before you
start making other plans.   The way a convention works is if the
conventioneers stay at the hotel.   They need the room nights to make it

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Zoe Sandell" <yiddishtangofever at shaw.ca>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Received: 3/22/2010 7:59:52 PM
Subject: Re: [pianotech] Las Vegas convention

>Thanks for pointing this out Robin


>- my goodness- many many people have commented it is very dirty, smelly and
>has poor customer service.


>Any other options that look better?






>  _____  

>From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On
>Of Robin Stevens
>Sent: March 22, 2010 2:28 PM
>To: pianotech at ptg.org
>Subject: [pianotech] Las Vegas convention


>I plan with two other of my OZ Piano tuner colleagues to come to the Las
>Vegas convention in June. But doing some research on the Bally's Motel
>accommodation, which is offered to  be the place to stay I have found some
>disturbing opinions of the venue, such as below. There were many similar
>opinions posted. 

><Bally's is off our list of places to stay in Las Vegas. The first room we
>got was horrid. The furniture was so beat up it looked like a flop house
>drunks. We changed rooms and it wasn't much better. The real problem was
>smell. After 20 minutes in the first room my throat hurt so bad I welcomed
>the smoke in the casino. It was a harsh Clorox type smell and it was
>throughout the hallway and rooms. Luckily the window of this room could be
>opened for some relief but it still gave us sore throats and headaches. To
>top it off we had a dispute at checkout with the rate we were charged. That
>took at least half an hour to get corrected. We will never return and I
>would not recommend it to anyone.>

>I know that the above might not apply to the whole hotel, but I would
>that the convention organisers are aware of these problems and reserved a
>group of rooms far different than the above critique. I hope someone can
>my mind to rest.


>Robin Stevens ARPT

>South Australia  

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