[pianotech] Las Vegas convention

RWyatt8547 at aol.com RWyatt8547 at aol.com
Tue Mar 23 08:53:04 MDT 2010

Sorry about the caps and bold type
In a message dated 3/23/2010 8:48:48 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
RWyatt8547 at aol.com writes:

    I stayed at Bally's in September for the  planning meeting and we had 
no problems that has been told here. we saw  the rooms and stayed in the same 
type of rooms that we will have at  convention. There was no smell of smoke 
on my non smoking floor and the casino  was ok too. The people were great 
and we had good service where ever we went.  
This is going to be a great convention and if you  don't have fun it will 
be your own fault.
            WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A GREAT TIME   (Sorry)
                                    Rick Wyatt
                                        A/V Staff
In a message dated 3/23/2010 6:17:02 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
AlliedPianoCraft at hotmail.com writes:

I go to Vegas about twice a year and that's  my Hotel of choice. You will 
always get people who for one reason or  another have a bad experience. You 
don't have to swear on a Bible when you  write one of these bad comments. 
Maybe they lost their house gambling and  had to take it out on someone.
Al - 
High Point, NC

From: _Robin  Stevens_ (mailto:pianobee at bigpond.com)  
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:28 PM
To: _pianotech at ptg.org_ (mailto:pianotech at ptg.org)  
Subject: [pianotech] Las Vegas convention

I plan with two other of  my OZ Piano tuner colleagues  to come  to the Las 
Vegas  convention in  June. But doing some research on the Bally’s Motel 
Hotel accommodation, which is  offered to  be the  place to stay I have  found 
some disturbing opinions of the venue, such as  below. There  were many 
similar opinions posted.  
<Bally's is off our list of places to stay in  Las Vegas. The first room we 
got was horrid. The furniture was so beat up  it looked like a flop house 
for drunks. We changed rooms and it wasn't  much better. The real problem was 
the smell. After 20 minutes in the first  room my throat hurt so bad I 
welcomed the smoke in the casino. It was a  harsh Clorox type  smell and it was 
throughout  the hallway and rooms. Luckily the window of this room could be 
opened for  some relief but it still gave us sore throats and headaches. To 
top it off  we had a dispute at checkout with the rate we were charged. That 
took at  least half an hour to get corrected. We will never return and I 
would not  recommend it to anyone.> 
I know  that the  above might not apply to  the whole hotel,  but I would 
assume that  the convention organisers are  aware of these problems  and 
reserved a group of  rooms far different than the above critique. I hope someone 
can put my mind to  rest. 
Robin  Stevens  ARPT 
South  Australia   

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