[pianotech] Dyer & Howard

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 24 08:23:07 MDT 2010

Recommend the son-in-law make a workbench out of it...potting bench...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "John Voigt" <jvoigt at gwtc.net>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Received: 3/24/2010 6:41:43 AM
Subject: [pianotech] Dyer & Howard

>A lady called the other day and wanted me to look at a "grand" piano they
>had in storage.  She thought it would be good to rebuild as it had such a
>fancy case.  I had never heard of Dyer & Howard, but went to look.  The legs
>were fancy carved.  The only problem was that there were four instead of
>three.  I told the son-in-law, who would like to make room in the shed, that
>I would see if I could find anyone who might be interested in such a piano,
>but the odds might not be good.  If anyone has a lead on who might want a
>square grand contact me off list at jvoigt at gwtc.net.

>John Voigt
>Avon, SD

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