[pianotech] Force equivalents in different actions

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Wed Mar 24 11:37:00 MDT 2010

At 19:47 -0700 23/3/10, David Love wrote:

>Forgive the awkward formulation of the question.  Let's put it a different

But why?!  I have answered the question and the question you have 
re-put at length in different words.

      momentum = velocity x mass.

It is momentum that leads to the transfer of energy on impact between 
the hammer and the string.  The resistive potential of the string is 
constant no matter what you do to the action, and so the calculation 
is simple.  By the simplest of algebra, if you halve the velocity you 
must double the mass to get the same momentum.

I don't see how it can be put more clearly.


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