[pianotech] Rodent Piano - Refuse to Service?

Norm Barrett barr8345 at bellsouth.net
Thu Mar 25 22:24:52 MDT 2010

This subject has come up before and I have been in a situation I 
probably should have refused. The odor was terrible as I entered the 
door and when I opened the top cover, I said "You know that you have had 
mice in here?"  The answer was yes and we put out poison. Well it had 
worked  I retrieved around 17 dead mice from that piano and I wish that 
I had known then about what I now have in an Ultra Violet Light Wand. 
UV-C light kills bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold.  It even deodorizes 
the area.
There is no doubt  in my mind that this would at least make the piano 
much safer to work on. If anyone has any experience with this their 
thoughts would be welcome.

Norm Barrett

On 3/25/2010 5:27 PM, Terry Farrell wrote:
> Have any of your folks ever refused to work on a piano in someone's 
> home that had lots of rodent droppings and urine in it - all over the 
> keys, keybed, etc.

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