[pianotech] What do you call this kind of action?

JWyatt1492 at aol.com JWyatt1492 at aol.com
Wed Mar 31 13:37:45 MDT 2010

Hello to All.
   This is a follow up.  After extensive research
over the years I am under the opinion  that
Simplex never made a piano action. They were 
the second  largest  exclusive  maker of player 
   As far as the touch,  I can tell very little  difference
if any in the  American made  actions of this type.
    The only down blow difference that could effect the 
touch would be when the spring loaded repetition lever 
came in contact with the drop screw.  And this is late
down blow.
    If these actions are regulated  and lubricated they play
very well However they will repeat slower that the
double escapement type but still fast enough for 70/80 %
of music played.  This is a guess of my part.
   When I was 17  I would have known for sure.
Regards to All
Jack Wyatt
Dallas Chapter
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