[pianotech] old list/new site

ed440 at mindspring.com ed440 at mindspring.com
Thu Dec 15 05:20:30 MST 2011

David and Floyd-

These are good criticisms, and I've forwarded them to Phil with some 

Decades ago I learned that when you're hard at work back stage to put 
on the show, you can be very surprised to learn what the audience sees!

Thank you!

Ed Sutton

-----Original Message-----
>From: ed440 at mindspring.com
>Sent: Dec 15, 2011 7:17 AM
>To: pianotech at ptg.org
>Subject: Re: [pianotech] old list/new site
>David and Floyd-
>These are good criticisms, and I've forwarded them to Phil with some 
>Decades ago I learned that when you're hard at work back stage to put 
>on the show, you can be very surprised to learn what the audience sees!
>Thank you!
>Ed Sutton
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: David Love <davidlovepianos at comcast.net>
>>Sent: Dec 14, 2011 10:47 PM
>>To: pianotech at ptg.org
>>Subject: Re: [pianotech] old list/new site
>>Last September I went to Italy to lecture at the AIARP convention.  I've
>>written a synopsis about it which may appear in a future journal to be
>>decided.  I wanted to comment that when I was there I was surprised to hear
>>about how many Italian technicians read the list as a source of information
>>which is otherwise not readily available to them for various reasons which I
>>won't go into now.  I think of people like John Delacour, with whom I've
>>sometimes disagreed, but who in the past has added an interesting line of
>>discussion and knowledge on various topics.  Or people like Ron Overs, Andre
>>Oorebeek and others who will have a much more difficult time both reading
>>and participating in the list should it switch exclusively to the new format
>>and others of whom we will likely never know.  I'm disappointed by that and
>>I think there is some shortsightedness in terms of the overall impact of the
>>list serve and the format which provides ease of accessibility to a
>>worldwide audience.  While certainly not the only source of information and
>>knowledge it does, in my view, function to move the trade forward in its own
>>Recently I finished reading the biography of Steve Jobs and one couldn't
>>help but be impressed with his consistency and single minded vision to
>>friendly user interface and ease of accessibility.  I don't have to think
>>too hard about what he would say about the new format and, honestly, I would
>>have to concur.   If it takes more than two clicks it's.well I don't need to
>>substitute his colorful language here but I think you get the point.  
>>David Love
>>From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf
>>Of Floyd Gadd
>>Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 7:32 PM
>>To: pianotech at ptg.org
>>Subject: Re: [pianotech] old list/new site
>>Thanks Ed,
>>I am a PTG member, I do read both lists, but the new one less often,
>>primarily because I find the degree of latency in navigating through the new
>>site frustrating.  I've always assumed that participation was open to
>>non-PTG members, until I decided to see what would happen if I approached
>>the site as if I were not a member.  I ended up at the "Join the PTG
>>community" page, it was not completely clear to me, from the content of the
>>page, that this was not the beginning of an application process for
>>associate membership.  Thus my question below.
>>Dear Floyd, Non-members may participate in the new Web Site, as was
>>mentioned on this list very recently. Check the archives for instructions.
>>You will find many excellent piano technicians participating in the new
>>communications technology. Phil Bondi has just posted a very candid report
>>about his experiences at the HL users conference, worth reading if you want
>>to learn about where the site development is going. When I first read the
>>pianotech list, I had to go to the library and have the librarian log me on.
>>I did not know how to use email. I learned, and am now learning to use the
>>new media site. I find it faster to read than this list. I recommend
>>learning. Please sign on. Best, Ed Sutton -----Original Message----- >From:
>>Floyd Gadd  >Sent: Dec 14, 2011 2:04 AM >To: pianotech at ptg.org >Subject:
>>Re: [pianotech] old list > >I too prefer the old list. I read it via the
>>archives, and it is much faster to access. I agree that is it is less
>>fragmented. Can non-PTG members participate in the new list, or only read
>>it? I appreciate the breadth of the user base on this list. >Floyd Gadd
>>>Manitoba Chapter 

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