[pianotech] phenomana - experiment.

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Tue May 15 10:36:40 MDT 2012

On 5/15/2012 9:53 AM, Ron Koval wrote:

> Let me create a custom tuning style that should replicate a master
> tuning -

Why? I still need a strictly aural "as refined as possible" tuning that 
the master tuning would supply.

should we stick to instruments that only have wound
> strings on the bass bridge to replicate the RPT testing piano - or maybe
> different pianos would give us more info?

I don't think it matters at this point. For now, we need some sort of 
trial to define the questions.

> What's the "recipe"?
> 6:3 wound bass strings?
> 4:2 temperament and down to bass break?
> 2:1 to the top - starting where?

I don't think it's critical. The point is to do the same thing to the 
piano at different RH% levels and compare results.

> I assume there aren't transition sections between the different octave
> types?

I don't see that it matters.

> If we can make this work, it bypasses needing to actually tune the
> piano, just step through the notes A0-C7 to gather the inharmonicity
> data and let the Verituner calculate... Shouldn't take more than 10
> minutes or so!

No, if you're going to try to fake the data, count me out. The whole 
point is a sampling of real world results. This is exactly why I do my 
own research when I can, and why I haven't brought this up until now, as 
I've wondered about this for some years. If we can't do it right, let's 
just not do it at all.
Ron N

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