Grands vs Uprights

Mark Cramer cramer@BrandonU.CA
Thu Aug 3 09:59 MDT 2000

The ratio of uprights to grands here at BU is about 1:1.  I am continually
pondering piano placement to best meet individual needs,.. everyone "needs"
a grand.

One of the legitimate "needs" I've uncovered (beyond piano faculty and
senior students) is any studio where quality accompaniament is required.
This includes vocal, and just about every solo instrument.  The precise
control available with finely adjusted escapement and  Una Corda are
essential.  In short, I"m told you can't get a good acompaniest (or
collaborative artist as they are now called), student or otherwise, if you
don't have a grand in the studio.

A long term goal here then, is to tilt the ratio in favor of more grands.
I'm gratified to note, we have received two grand pianos as donations this
year, a Steinway A, and Heintzman D (6').

At the Banff Centre, Ted "Dad" (Sambell) maintains that if you demonstrate
care for the instruments you have (we do extensive rebuilding both in
Brandon and Banff) people will notice, and you will "attract" benevolence.

Well what do you know, we just received another "B" in Banff!

If my bias shows, I might as well declare it.  I would rather rebuild and
maintain instruments of quality original manufacture, than see the money
spent on cheap new pianos.

best regards,

Mark Cramer, RPT

>How do you guys feel about using  grands instead of uprights for practice

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