more inquiries

Diane Hofstetter
Sat Aug 5 11:26 MDT 2000


If I were you I'd listen closely to Jon;

>You wouldn't find a plumber or electrician without easy access to their

>Make it easy on yourself,

>Jon Page,   piano technician

History has a disturbing tendency to repeat itself if you're not careful.  
Remember an earlier post of yours in which you said: "After about 6 cabs 
refused to stop
for me, I just sat down on the curb and cried.  Then I realized why.  I am 
now on the street with no money,  hungry and exhausted from carrying those
two heavy boxes, in need of a bathroom and now a broken zipper in the front
of my pants so everyone can see I'm walking around in my underwear!"

Good luck at re-writing history!
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