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Jon Page
Sat Aug 5 12:22 MDT 2000

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At 10:25 AM 08/05/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>If I were you I'd listen closely to Jon;
>>You wouldn't find a plumber or electrician without easy access to their
>>Make it easy on yourself,
>>Jon Page,   piano technician

When a string breaks (notice I didn't say *if*) quick access to the box-o-wire
in the back of the car will make the process less aggravating.

I bring two tool cases. One small 'clarinet style' case for my basic tuning 
with regulating tools.  This I carry into the tuning. the larger case (30+ 
lbs.) is
for larger tools which I do not always need. A quick trip to the car beats 
lugging it around. If I know I will be needing tools from that case, I'll 
either bring the
few along or bring the whole case. I'm tired of carrying these things.

Sometimes less_is_less,


Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.
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