
Tim Coates
Sun Aug 6 19:45 MDT 2000

This off subject.  I really don't care.

Scott Thile is a technician on this list.  And we should all be aware that
he has done an excellant job of raising a talented son.  Chris Thile is one
of the finest mandolin players I have heard in years.  Scott Thile has
listed in his signature the Nickel Creek Band, of which he was the bass
player for several years.  As piano technicians we help others reach their
potential.  Scott's son is only 19 I beleive, and was encouraged along with
two other youngsters (19 & 23) to become involved in music.   These
youngsters are now one of the most powerful bluegrass (and I use the word
very loosely) bands in the world.  Scott was a big part of that growth.
This band is no ordinary bluegrass band.  It is apparent in the original
songs and arrangements,  along with the very powerful and sensitive playing.

Perhaps the most important thing I saw happen at the end of the Sioux River
Folk Festival was Scott's son (Chris) walking and talking with a boy of
about 9.  They were discussing what it is like at the very beginnings of
learning the mandolin (which this boy had already started).  Chris cared
about what the boy was experiencing.  It seems his father has taught him a
lesson of how to pass it on.

As I said, this is way off subject.  But it is rare to see talent this
strong.  It is strong because a person on our list took the time.  He should
be very proud.  Very, Very proud.

Tim Coates
Unversity of South Dakota

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