Dampp-chaser sytems

Mark Bolsius markbolsius@optusnet.com.au
Sun Aug 6 20:50 MDT 2000

Firstly, the cost of running a 50 watt rod alternating with an 8 watt rod 
works out at less than $3 a month...hardly worth the added hardware and
development costs of switching.

Secondly, having switches that can be manipulated from outside only adds to
the possibility of someone goofing it up! Murphy's Law Rules!

Thirdly, Dampp-Chaser is currently working on a humidistat that will do
nothing if the piano is in a suitable climate and will only function if that
climate goes beyond the "safety zone".

I also wnat to address the earlier postsuggesting the dry humidistat for a
humid environment.... DON'T DO IT!!

You don't need a lower cut off point, you need more power. My first question
would be:- Are you using 50 watt rods? If not..get them! If you are and they
are not sufficient, use an add-an-outlet and add another 25 watt rod. This
won't cause any problems as the system just becomes more efficient and
hopefully will actually turn off occasionally.... at the right humidity!

Your problem is that there is insufficient power in the current systems you
are using to get the humidity down to a satisfactory level, by adding more
power it will be able to bring the humidity within the piano down to less
than 50% RH...where you want it. The Dry Humidistat will just mean that on
the odd occassion that the humidity does come naturally down, you'll stress
your pianos by dragging them even further down than they should be... You'll
be over drying them.

Email me privately if this isn't clear enough.

Mark Bolsius
Bolsius Piano Services
Canberra Australia


Australian distributor for
Dampp-Chaser Climate Control Products
Louis Renner Piano Components and Tools
Reyburn CyberTuner Visual Tuning Software

>From: owner-caut-digest@ptg.org (caut-digest)
>To: caut-digest@ptg.org
>Subject: caut-digest V2000 #53
>Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 1:58 AM

> IMHO the Humidistat should have two independent calibratable switches, one for
> drying and one for humidity. Then you can obtain the minimum water- and
> electricityconsumption for the local climate and not pay (or work) when the
> situation is stable or slow changing.
> Regards
> - --
> Pianoshop Leif Olsen
> D.P.I.F. Denmark

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