Christopher D. Purdy purdy@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
Tue Aug 15 08:42 MDT 2000

>To Chris Purdy and the list,
>Our experiments show that you must bring the highs
>of humidity down to where you can bring the low up
>to, for cross-season stability.  In other words,  if the
>maximum you can achieve in the dry season is about
>35%, you need to get close to that in the wet season.
>Usually, adding one or more extra dehumidifiers,
>placed in a way that distributes the heat evenly,
>will take care of that nicely.  They must also be installed
>in a way that provides even feedback to the control,
>and doesn't fight with the humidifier.
>Sorry I'm about two weeks behind your discussion.
>Ruth Phillips

Thank you for your response.  That makes sense.  I will be doing my budget
for the year soon and I will take this into consideration when I order DC's.

Now if I could just get faculty to put a little water in them now and then...


-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.   School of Music  Ohio University  Athens OH

-purdy@oak.cats.ohiou.edu   (740) 593-1656    fax# (740) 593-1429

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