Organizational Structure

Fred Sturm
Wed Aug 16 08:52 MDT 2000

> Please take the time to tell me:
> 1. How does your department fit into the organizational structure at
> your school and what is your title?
I am a staff employee of the Department of Music: "Piano Technician" My
immediate superior is the department administrator, though I rarely have
dealings with her other than to hand in time sheets and go through
annual evaluation. She reports to the department chair, who reports to
the Dean of the College of Fine Arts.

> 2. Who approves your budget and do you have authority to spend the
> money according to your own judgment.
Purchase requests are all approved by the chair (true for all money
spent by the department of music). I don't have authority, but it's
pretty automatic as long as it's within budget.

> 3. Are you allowed to do anything to raise funds for your own
> departmental use by selling surplus pianos, or providing tuning
> services to other university departments for a fee.
The major source of my parts budget is from work for other entities
within the university: Theater and Dance, large performance venue (a
separate department), etc., and "extra" tunings for things like
recording sessions or rentals of the department recital hall.

> 5. Are you involved with any of the "handy-man" stuff that needs to be
> done in your school. (Building Management? )
No, at least not formally (occasionally I fix something, but it isn't
expected, just a "favor" - I happen to have the appropriate tool/screw,
and it won't take much time).
> Your time would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ken Eschete
> Northwestern University

BTW Ken, you may run into my cousin, Hans Sturm, from time to time. He
got his doctorate at Northwestern, I believe, and teaches bass there in
the summers - is a professor at Ball State.
Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico

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