Organizational Structure

John Minor
Tue Aug 15 22:21 MDT 2000

On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Ken Eschete wrote:

]Please take the time to tell me:
]1.  How does your department fit into the organizational structure at
]your school and what is your title?

	The University of Illinois "Piano Shop" is run by "Musical
Instrument Tech III" which is a state civil service supervisory position.
(There is one technician under me) My supervisor is the Assistant Director
of Operations in the School of Music business office. He works closely
with the Director of the School in determining spending for the
department. The Director is under the Dean of the College of Fine and
Applied Arts.

]2.  Who approves your budget and do you have  authority to spend the
]money according to your own judgment. 

	The Assistant Director and Director determine what is spent and
where. My suggestions are asked for, but easily vetoed. I am in my second
year of having an annual budget of $2,000 for tools and supplies, to be
used at my soul discretion. We also budget approximately $18,000 per year
for rebuilding that is contracted out to an excellent local rebuilder.

]3.  Are you allowed to do anything to raise funds for your own
]departmental use by selling surplus pianos, or providing tuning
]services to other university departments for a fee.

	We do trade pianos in for new ones every year. I had to plead to
trade a 1960's Mason & Hamlin for some repair parts for rebuilding. We
also trade a dozen older Kimballs and Everetts yearly for new Yamaha
P-22's. I doubt I could get away with servicing other departments. I am
currently working on a plan to charge a fee for tuning for recordings by
faculty and students. The administrators are VERY reluctant to try new
things here, and are afraid of "rocking the boat" when it comes to dealing
with other departments on campus. For instance, we loan a studio upright
to any department on campus FOR FREE!!! They pay for the moving. I
suggested we should charge a fee for this and was told we did not want to
make enemies!

]5.  Are you involved with any of the "handy-man" stuff that needs to be
]done in your school.  (Building Management? ) 
	NO! We are not allowed to move pianos. The trade unions are too
strong to allow non-union people to do their work here. We can't even
change light bulbs!! (How may tuners DOES it take to change a light bulb?)

Good luck!

John Minor
University of Illinois School of Music

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