Organizational Structure

Jeannie Grassi
Tue Aug 15 18:37 MDT 2000

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Hi Ken,
If you contact Gary Greene at Steinway he will send you a copy of their
Guidelines for Institutional Piano Service.  My understanding is that it is
free, but they would like information such as how many pianos in the
facility, etc.  It comes with a software program for organizing a
maintenance schedule, ordering parts, and that sort of thing.  Some of it
may prove helpful for what you are setting up.


Jeannie Grassi, RPT
Assistant Editor, Piano Technicians Journal

  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On Behalf Of Ken
  Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 3:50 PM
  Subject: Re:Organizational Structure

  Dear List,
  Please forgive me for making more than one posting on the same day, but I
have been asked to suggest a new organizational structure for our department
and it would be helpful to see how other departments are structured.

  At Northwestern, Keyboard Maintenance is supervised by the Director of
Concert Activities, who reports directly to the Dean of the School of Music.
The problem with this is that Concert Activities is a self-supporting
entity, with a separate budget. The budget for Keyboard Maintenance is an
undefined amount that comes from the School of Music. i.e. My supervisor has
no authority to approve my budget requests, (which is the only thing I need
a supervisor to do for us!).

  Please take the time to tell me:
  1. How does your department fit into the organizational structure at your
school and what is your title?
  2. Who approves your budget and do you have authority to spend the money
according to your own judgment.
  3. Are you allowed to do anything to raise funds for your own departmental
use by selling surplus pianos, or providing tuning services to other
university departments for a fee.
  5. Are you involved with any of the "handy-man" stuff that needs to be
done in your school. (Building Management? )

  Your time would be greatly appreciated.


  Ken Eschete
  Northwestern University

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