Organizational Structure

David M. Porritt
Wed Aug 16 11:11 MDT 2000

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On 8/15/00 at 4:49 PM Ken Eschete wrote:

><fontfamily><param>Times</param><bigger><bigger>Dear List,
>Please forgive me for making more than one posting on the same day, but
>I have been asked to suggest a new organizational structure for our
>department and it would be helpful to see how other departments are
>At Northwestern, Keyboard Maintenance is supervised by the Director of
>Concert Activities, who reports directly to the Dean of the School of
>Music.  The problem with this is that Concert Activities is a
>self-supporting entity, with a separate budget.  The budget for
>Keyboard Maintenance is an undefined amount that comes from the School
>of Music.  i.e. My supervisor has no authority to approve my budget
>requests, (which is the only thing I need a supervisor to do for us!).
>Please take the time to tell me:
>1.  How does your department fit into the organizational structure at
>your school and what is your title?

I am the Piano Technician and report to the Chairperson of the Music Division, who in turn reports to the Dean of the School of the Arts.  I am a contractor, not an employee.

>2.  Who approves your budget and do you have  authority to spend the
>money according to your own judgment. 

The Chairperson allocates a budget for the year.  I spend it as needed.  The only thing the chair wants to know about it is that I didn't exceed it.

>3.  Are you allowed to do anything to raise funds for your own
>departmental use by selling surplus pianos, or providing tuning
>services to other university departments for a fee.


>5.  Are you involved with any of the "handy-man" stuff that needs to be
>done in your school.  (Building Management? ) 

Nothing that I wouldn't do for any other friend.  The Theater scene shop helps me by letting me use their large shop tools.  They have tools (drill presses, table saws, band saws etc.), and I don't.
>Your time would be greatly appreciated.
>Ken Eschete
>Northwestern University

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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