Organizational Structure

Avery Todd atodd@UH.EDU
Wed Aug 16 12:16 MDT 2000

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   Mine isn't all that different from several of the others but I
thought I'd go ahead and post in case you could use it.

>Please take the time to tell me:

>1.  How does your department fit into the organizational structure
>at your school and what is your title?

   I'm considered a full-time, benefits eligible staff member in
the School of Music. The title is Piano Technician.

>2.  Who approves your budget and do you have authority to spend the
>money according to your own judgment.

   My immediate supervisor is the Assistant Director of the School
of Music with authority to approve all financial requests except for
a major purchase (like a new concert grand, etc.). Final approval of
something like that would be from the Director. His immediate
superior is the Dean of the Department of Fine Arts.
   Yes, I'm allowed to spend as I see fit, within reason, from a
very generous budget.

>3.  Are you allowed to do anything to raise funds for your own
>departmental use by selling surplus pianos, or providing tuning
>services to other university departments for a fee.

   I tuned around the campus for several years just as though it
were a private tuning job(s) but am no longer able to do that.
Something about being paid by the university for a job for which
I'm already being paid! :-) Except that my job description is
only for the music dept., not the university. But the "legal eagles"
don't see it that way.
   The only other thing I've been able to get going, and that just
this past year, has been to get a separate fund set up in which to
put money charged for tunings for any outside groups who rent our
facilities. I hope to be able to draw from that to help with
expenses of going to conventions, especially the National. That is
my intention, anyway. We'll see soon if it will actually work that

>5.  Are you involved with any of the "handy-man" stuff that needs to
>be done in your school.  (Building Management? )

   Not physically. I do however, report problems to get things
repaired, since I'm around the building more than just about anyone
except custodians.
   Because state universities here are self-insured, when I first
came here, I was able to stop the practice of using students to help
move pianos around. I will very occasionally move a vertical, but
that's it. And even then, my helper is a "work study" guy from the
office. The liability involved if a student got hurt could be very
large, if you get my drift. :-)

>Ken Eschete
>Northwestern University

   Hope this will at least add to the weight of everyone else's
responses. Good luck.


Avery Todd, RPT
Moores School of Music
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4201

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