D/C covers

Mark Bolsius markbolsius@optusnet.com.au
Thu Aug 17 05:42 MDT 2000

> 3) Anyone ever done something similar over the bottom of a grand? What
> did you use, and how attach? (I've been giving some thought to this, and
> figure a "string cover" over the top plus something over the bottom
> would help a great deal. But would need to look "not tacky." Maybe
> something like black mackintosh suspended from hooks around the rim,
> maybe with something to hold the center to a frame member so it didn't
> sag too much).
> Thanks for any input,
> Fred Sturm

Dampp-Chaser has tried a variety of materials for an under grand cover. I
had the privilege of assisting with this research while I was there last
year. It's been a pet thought of mine as well, I think it would make the
grand system unbeatable...especially those in draughty areas. Anyway, I
recently spoke to Roger Wheelock from Dampp-Chaser to see how the research
was going.

He indicated that while the initial results were promising, after about
three months there was a build up of moisture in the soundboard...not the
result anyone wants!! This is why you need to test long term.

They haven't worked out why it took so long to build up, but for the time
being, an underside cover is not a good idea...yet. I hope they keep working
on it...it would be great to have an answer. Meanwhile, the string cover has
come up trumps, testing indicates an improvement in the moisture content
range. You'd have to ask Roger or Bob Mair for the exact figures.

Don't hesitate to contact them with ideas or suggestions, they are very
responsive to input...that's what brought about the Smart Heater Bar and
rear cover etc.

BTW to fix the cover on the back of an upright....pin pegs or Velcro spots.
If you use velcro, you need to tack the spot onto the piano, so that if the
glue fails, it still hangs in there.

...and yes, it's Mylar

Mark Bolsius
Bolsius Piano Services
Canberra Australia

PS Gotta get me one of those data loggers...thanks for the tip.


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