DC plastic covers

Don drose@dlcwest.com
Wed Aug 16 14:59 MDT 2000

Hi Fred,

I have been doing it now for two years. The material I first used was 12
mil clear poly from a hardware store--it is intended for covering table
tops and had the advantage of being just about the perfect width. I now use
6 mil poly from Home Depot as the material cost is significantly cheaper,
though it is not nearly so *pretty*. I use duct tape and a staple in the
corners, at the middle of the sides, and at the middle of the top and
bottom. The tape prevents the poly from pulling through the staples.

I have not figured out a way to do this neatly on a grand, and also
Damppchaser is still doing research on *bottom* covers. I am therefore a
bit reluctant to try it on a clients piano.

At 02:00 PM 08/16/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>	I wonder if some of you who have installed plastic covers on backs of
>verticals would share some experience. 
>1) Anyone use anything other than what Damppchaser supplies? (And what
>material is that? Mylar?). 
>2) What do you attch it with? (I assume some sort of tape, but all tapes
>I have used have adhesives that degrade to varying degrees over time.
>Would like to know what is best over the long haul).
>3) Anyone ever done something similar over the bottom of a grand? What
>did you use, and how attach? (I've been giving some thought to this, and
>figure a "string cover" over the top plus something over the bottom
>would help a great deal. But would need to look "not tacky." Maybe
>something like black mackintosh suspended from hooks around the rim,
>maybe with something to hold the center to a frame member so it didn't
>sag too much).
>Thanks for any input,
>Fred Sturm
>University of New Mexico
Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.

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