DC plastic covers

Fred Sturm fssturm@unm.edu
Wed Aug 16 13:50 MDT 2000

	I wonder if some of you who have installed plastic covers on backs of
verticals would share some experience. 
1) Anyone use anything other than what Damppchaser supplies? (And what
material is that? Mylar?). 
2) What do you attch it with? (I assume some sort of tape, but all tapes
I have used have adhesives that degrade to varying degrees over time.
Would like to know what is best over the long haul).
3) Anyone ever done something similar over the bottom of a grand? What
did you use, and how attach? (I've been giving some thought to this, and
figure a "string cover" over the top plus something over the bottom
would help a great deal. But would need to look "not tacky." Maybe
something like black mackintosh suspended from hooks around the rim,
maybe with something to hold the center to a frame member so it didn't
sag too much).
Thanks for any input,
Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico

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