Organizational Structure

Christopher D. Purdy
Fri Aug 18 08:48 MDT 2000

>1.  How does your department fit into the organizational structure at your
>school and what is your title?

I have an administrative contract and report directly to the director of
the school of music.

>2.  Who approves your budget and do you have  authority to spend the money
>according to your own judgment.

Again, my budget goes through the director.  It is not a huge amount of
money but I do have complete control over how it is spent.

>3.  Are you allowed to do anything to raise funds for your own departmental
>use by selling surplus pianos, or providing tuning services to other
>university departments for a fee.

Yes but it is a real pain to sell instruments.  They have to go through the
university and are sold to the highest bidder.  Any tunings I do for the
university that are not part of my job here I bill privately.

>5.  Are you involved with any of the "handy-man" stuff that needs to be done
>in your school.  (Building Management? )

Yes.  It is not in my job description but I consider it good public
relations with the boss (OK, brown nosing)


-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.   School of Music  Ohio University  Athens OH   (740) 593-1656    fax# (740) 593-1429

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