Organizational Structure

Mitch Staples
Wed Aug 16 10:38 MDT 2000

1.  How does your department fit into the organizational structure at your
school and what is your title?
-I am professional staff for the School of Music.  There are two others in
my category, the instrumental tech. and the computer systems tech.  We
report to the assistant director.

2.  Who approves your budget and do you have  authority to spend the money
according to your own judgment. 
-I have control of a barely adequate repair budget, when it's gone I have to
ask the director for more.

3.  Are you allowed to do anything to raise funds for your own departmental
use by selling surplus pianos, or providing tuning services to other
university departments for a fee.
-We rent pianos as long as they stay on campus $75 per day for uprights $150
- $300 for grands depending on the size plus movers fees.  This money goes
into an account that I share with the stage crew.  Auditorium rental fees
are also deposited into this account.  The money is earmarked for stage
improvements.  It usually goes toward the pianos.  All fees for tuning that
I do outside the School of Music go to me in the form of overtime.

5.  Are you involved with any of the "handy-man" stuff that needs to be done
in your school.  (Building Management? ) 
-No.  We have about 120 active pianos and 30 in storage.  I have no time for
anything else.

Mitch Staples
Ohio State University

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