D/C covers

Daniel Dover Daniel.Dover@Dartmouth.EDU
Fri Aug 18 14:02 MDT 2000

Mark Cramer wrote:

--These 4 pianos "still" experience seasonal swings of about 20 cents
each way, although each equipped with a D-C with 50 and 25 watt bar.--
--end of quote--

Here in New Hampshire, with swings from 20 to 80% RH, I've been using more like
125 to 150 watts in a grand, and for a Steinway B I will use two humidifiers.
The results, with a good cover, are pitch swings of +/- 4 to 6 cents seasonally.
These pianos are in rooms with serious air flow problems, similar to what you
described at Brandon U.

Floor-length covers might be effective, but they are not practical, in my
opinion, in an institutional setting. Such a cumbersome accessory will simply be
removed at the beginning of the term, stashed in a corner, and never put back on
the piano. Here at Dartmouth I have had good success with student monitors who
water the pianos and replace the covers daily. I doubt that we would have as
good an effort with both tasks if the covers were so large and clumsy.

So far I have been pleased with the results of using the beefed-up D/C systems
with a good, standard cover. (I've been using the vinyl-padded covers from
Instrument Covers in Salem, OR.)

Danny Dover
Dartmouth College

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