caut-digest V2000 #59

Mark Bolsius
Fri Aug 18 18:44 MDT 2000

> Just wondering if they have tried Gortex fabric ....(the breathable
> raincoat fabric).  I've used in museum conservation treatments of warped
> wood, which can be moistened with water and clamped flat to dry inside a
> layer of Gortex.  Moisture is not traped, but is slow to evaporate.  Made
> by DuPont and available from them.
> Ken Eschete
> Northwestern


the material they've done most of the research with was a high quality
speaker cloth. A knitted fabric that breathes well. The object is to stop
draughts from blowing away the controlled air that's built up under the seemed ideal, except for the problem that occured about
three months in...

Mark Bolsius
Bolsius Piano Services
Canberra Australia

Australian distributor for
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Reyburn CyberTuner Visual Tuning Software 

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