
Mark Cramer cramer@BrandonU.CA
Fri Aug 25 09:23 MDT 2000

I love the Kawai verticals, but servicing the sqeeeeeeky trapwork is a real

The top-end is easy, I teflon-powder the rubber bushings til the pedal rods
can be spun without sqeeks. The damper lift rod is also routine, lifting a
section of damper levers at a time allows a quick pass over the rod and
spoons with Protek or McLube to eliminate the "grinding" sound.

The problem (for me) is the metal jungle around the pedals.  Just how are we
supposed to service pedal pivot bushings?  Or do they need it (nylon)?

After the top end is treated, if I have squeeks from below, I've had success
with two things:

1.)  tightening any accessible screws.

2.) with the adjustment backed off (sustain pedal), I rotate the coil spring
in it's seat, a 1/2 turn or so.

These things seem to work, but for how long.  Have I really done something
or just "agitated" the real source of squeeks into "hiding" for a while?

Boo-hoo :>(

Mark Cramer
Brandon University

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