
Stan Kroeker stan@pianoexperts.mb.ca
Fri Aug 25 12:15 MDT 2000

Mark Cramer wrote:
> I love the Kawai verticals, but servicing the sqeeeeeeky trapwork is a real
> pain!

This and other Japanese and Korean pianos ...  agreed!!
> The problem (for me) is the metal jungle around the pedals.  Just how are we
> supposed to service pedal pivot bushings?  Or do they need it (nylon)?

I find that, until they wear out, causing wobbliness and metal to metal
contact, they don't seem to require any lubrication.
> After the top end is treated, if I have squeeks from below, I've had success
> with ...
> 2.) with the adjustment backed off (sustain pedal), I rotate the coil spring
> in it's seat, a 1/2 turn or so.

I feel the high-strength compression springs are the cause of elusive
squeeks in these systems.  As you note, simply rotating or realigning
may remedy the squeek for a time, but they inevitably return.  I have
had some long-term success with removing the springs and bending the
ends of the coils so that under compression they will not contact the
next coil.  Also, the nylon 'cups' that hold these springs in place tend
to crack under the considerable compressive force of the spring.  For
added cushioning, I have placed leather disks between the nylon cup and
the spring.  Then load the d-mn things up with Protek grease!

Stan Kroeker
Registered Piano Technician

Brandon University
Part-time, long-distance, itinerant technician

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