watering opinion poll

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@martin.luther.edu
Sat Aug 26 04:14 MDT 2000

At 10:52 08/25/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I wonder if I could solicit a few opinions on sustainable watering routines
>for Dampp-chasers.
>What works for you??
>Do your waterers:
>1.) Check pianos everyday?

Twice a week.

>2.) Water only in response to the low-water lights?

For those with lights, yes.  I have a number of non-lighted units which 
have to be opened, and these are usually checked when the light goes on in 
the next room.  With the uprights you can "get away" w/o filling for a few 
days after the light goes on, so a Mon/Thu or Tues/Fri schedule never lets 
them get bone dry. Yes, I have some "smart bar" units, and this schedule 
has been verified by them.

>5.) oversee an automated watering system from a desk in the security

Is that like a fire sprinkler??

©Conrad Hoffsommer - mailto:hoffsoco@luther.edu
-A rose by any other name would still attract aphids.

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