watering opinion poll

Christopher D. Purdy purdy@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
Mon Aug 28 19:11 MDT 2000

>I wonder if I could solicit a few opinions on sustainable watering routines
>for Dampp-chasers.
>What works for you??
>Do your waterers:
>1.) Check pianos everyday?
>2.) Water only in response to the low-water lights?
>3.) Allow a few sample rooms to prompt a watering tour?
>4.) follow a routine schedule, with frequency dictated by the season?
>5.) oversee an automated watering system from a desk in the security
>Thanks for your response, it may save me a few headaches.
>Mark Cramer
>Brandon University


I have damp chasers on pianos in several faculty studios and some piano
grad offices.  I instruct them to water when the light flashes.  Since all
these are in peoples offices, I don't conduct a "tour" or routine checks.
I have them do their own watering and I check over systems and change pads
when I tune.

I try to impress upon people the need to keep the system full and that
their piano will suffer if it is neglected.  Still, some can't seem to walk
down the hall for a can of water.  In this way, however, they know that if
the piano goes out of tune too quickly it is their own fault and they can't
yell at me.

I add more damp chasers every fall as I get budget money and they are
helping a lot.


-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.   School of Music  Ohio University  Athens OH

-purdy@oak.cats.ohiou.edu   (740) 593-1656    fax# (740) 593-1429

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