false beats

Jon Page jonpage@mediaone.net
Sat Aug 26 05:28 MDT 2000

At 06:16 AM 08/26/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Thomas asks:
><< Many of the Steinway Ls I tune have false beats in one or two strings in
> > upper treble, but one that I tune regularly has horrendous false beats in
> > about a third of the strings from C7 to C8.  >>

Good suggestions so far and I would like to add removing the natural curve 
of the wire at the
v-bar and front duplex.

I have a lever I fashioned out of a length of wood (scrap pin block) and 
a  spinet caster.
I place a block on the keybed as a fulcrum for the 'string leveler' and 
press the wire
upwards, first on the duplex side and then on the speaking length. With a 
dowel and
hammer I coax the wire around the front duplex.

This may not get rid of all the false beats but it surely cleans up the unison.


Jon Page,   piano technician
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass.

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