false beats

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Sat Aug 26 04:17 MDT 2000

Thomas asks:
<< Many of the Steinway Ls I tune have false beats in one or two strings in 
> upper treble, but one that I tune regularly has horrendous false beats in
> about a third of the strings from C7 to C8.  >>

    Most false beats I have seen are due to loose bridge pins, as Roger 
points out.  Other than that, I think the factory chippers are going to fast 
and damaging a lot of strings.  I would remove a really bad wire and see if 
the replacement is clean. While you have the wire off, check to see that the 
bridge pins are tight and the capo bar is within specs. 
Good luck, 
Ed Foote 

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