false beats

Dan & Martha Reed thepianoarts@home.com
Fri Aug 25 23:06 MDT 2000


    Have you tried moving the offending wire a little to the left or right,
to see if the termination at the capo is the culprit? Any luck at all with
seating the wire at the bridge? Once in a while, I have success at cleaning
up a 'dirty' wire (one with false beats) by nudging the wire into the bridge
pin, but at a low angle... that is, trying to convince the wire to hug the
pin . I try to avoid crushing the bridge termination notch.
     Are the wires level, or the hammers fitted cleanly to all three wires?
Open strings seem to make a unison with false beats stand out.
Sounds like work!

    After thought...Is the bridge pinning accurate at the notch on this
piano? If the pin is too far 'for' or 'aft' of the notch, the wire will be
terminated at two different places.

Good luck,
Dan Reed
> Greetings,
> Many of the Steinway Ls I tune have false beats in one or two strings in the
> upper treble, but one that I tune regularly has horrendous false beats in
> about a third of the strings from C7 to C8.  What suggestions do others have
> to offer to improve this situation?
> Thomas Russell
> Iowa State University

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