
Fred Sturm fssturm@unm.edu
Mon Aug 28 07:25 MDT 2000

Rob's response reminds me I have seen a similar squeak here, usually
with high polish poly finishes, where the source was flexure of the toe
rail, causing a squeak between it and the bottom panel dowels. Solution:
lube the dowels and the holes they ride in. (And check that the toe rail
is well attached to the sides. Ran into one that wasn't attached at
Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico

Robert B. Edwardsen wrote:
> I had problems with the CX-21D's  we have at school from the early 80's. The pedal
> squeak that was actually the bottom board flexing.  The solution was more screws
> in the bottom board.  The hard part was schleping the tilter up 3 flights of
> stairs.  Kawai gave me some money to do though, and that was nice.
> Rob Edwardsen,
> University of Rochester

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