
Mitch Staples staples.13@osu.edu
Thu Aug 31 13:33 MDT 2000

>are you using another model of trapwork spring?  I think Jim Harvey
>mentioned several years ago swapping the UST-7 spring with a Kawai grand
>Or, are you sourcing a generic spring from a hardware store, etc?

Grand trapwork springs work well but an even lighter spring will work.  I
picked up a bag of springs at a hardware store (I'm not sure which one) a
few years ago.  I imagine just about anything will work as long as it's wide
enough that it doesn't pop out of the socket.  The only function of that
spring is to lift the pedal, beyond that it just adds resistance to the


At 02:02 PM 8/31/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I've had good luck replacing that heavy coil spring on the trapwork with a
>much lighter spring.
>Mitch Staples

>>The problem (for me) is the metal jungle around the pedals.  Just how are
>>supposed to service pedal pivot bushings?  Or do they need it (nylon)?
>The NS-20's here have a metal plate which conceals the pedal pivots, I
>couldn't come up with a less "service- friendly" set-up if I tried. As
>mentioned previously, I've solved squeeks up to now without having to remove
>this cover plate.  I would like to know that Kawai in their wisdom, has only
>put this plate in the way, because it needn't be removed for service.
>Caution: "No humanly accessible/serviceable parts inside!"  :>)
>Mark Cramer
>Brandon University

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