
Mark Cramer cramer@BrandonU.CA
Thu Aug 31 12:52 MDT 2000

I've had good luck replacing that heavy coil spring on the trapwork with a
much lighter spring.

Mitch Staples

Thanks Mitch,
are you using another model of trapwork spring?  I think Jim Harvey
mentioned several years ago swapping the UST-7 spring with a Kawai grand

Or, are you sourcing a generic spring from a hardware store, etc?

>The problem (for me) is the metal jungle around the pedals.  Just how are
>supposed to service pedal pivot bushings?  Or do they need it (nylon)?

The NS-20's here have a metal plate which conceals the pedal pivots, I
couldn't come up with a less "service- friendly" set-up if I tried. As
mentioned previously, I've solved squeeks up to now without having to remove
this cover plate.  I would like to know that Kawai in their wisdom, has only
put this plate in the way, because it needn't be removed for service.

Caution: "No humanly accessible/serviceable parts inside!"  :>)

Mark Cramer
Brandon University

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