
Mitch Staples staples.13@osu.edu
Thu Aug 31 11:45 MDT 2000


I've had good luck replacing that heavy coil spring on the trapwork with a
much lighter spring.  

Mitch Staples

At 10:30 AM 8/25/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I love the Kawai verticals, but servicing the sqeeeeeeky trapwork is a real
>The top-end is easy, I teflon-powder the rubber bushings til the pedal rods
>can be spun without sqeeks. The damper lift rod is also routine, lifting a
>section of damper levers at a time allows a quick pass over the rod and
>spoons with Protek or McLube to eliminate the "grinding" sound.
>The problem (for me) is the metal jungle around the pedals.  Just how are we
>supposed to service pedal pivot bushings?  Or do they need it (nylon)?
>After the top end is treated, if I have squeeks from below, I've had success
>with two things:
>1.)  tightening any accessible screws.
>2.) with the adjustment backed off (sustain pedal), I rotate the coil spring
>in it's seat, a 1/2 turn or so.
>These things seem to work, but for how long.  Have I really done something
>or just "agitated" the real source of squeeks into "hiding" for a while?
>Boo-hoo :>(
>Mark Cramer
>Brandon University

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