[CAUT] Teaching Piano Tuning

djpope1 djpope1@juno.com
Mon, 1 Nov 2004 14:59:29 -0500

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With regard to the issue of technician training, supply and demand, etc. =
I wanted to share some of my experiences. In many years of employment as =
a pianist and teacher of piano technology in a State University, as well =
as my experience as a concertizing pianist, I can say with some =
confidence that of all applied musicians, pianists are the very most =
ignorant about their instruments.

Vocalists can describe their larynx, diaphragm, and the mechanics of =
voice production. Brass players can talk about the laws of vibrating =
columns of air and valving ratios. String players can adjust bridges and =
sound posts. But pianists only know for sure that depressing the end of =
a piano key usually produces a sound.

The technician - a very able one - at the university from which I =
recently retired was a one time piano student of mine who went on to get =
the training and skills necessary to pursue this somewhat different =
pianistic path. During his student years he also had a one semester =
course in piano technology, designed to familiarize students with the =
instrument, learn the names of all its parts, and be able to communicate =
intelligently with their technicians.

Our school was unique in requiring ALL piano majors to take this course. =
When the technician who had initiated that program left for greener =
pastures his replacement had no interest in continuing the program, so =
it fell to me to try to keep it going. After I left my position, my =
successor - also a pianist - saw no value in such a course, so the =
university is now just like all other universities. It turns out =
pianists who are ignorant of their instrument.=20

If all university based PTG members would encourage their piano =
departments to offer a simple, one credit course in piano technology =
familiarization, it would make a HUGE difference in what the future will =
look like. Of course that might mean teaching a course on top of an =
already full schedule of piano maintenance, but if you're serious you'll =
need to bite the bullet.

David Pope
Bowling Green State University
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