[CAUT] Teaching Piano Tuning

R.Moffatt & Sons Piano moffatt5@telus.net
Wed, 3 Nov 2004 21:07:32 -0700

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R.Moffatt & Sons
Master Piano Technicians
2323 Lincoln Drive S.W.
Calgary, Alberta ,  Canada T3E 5G4
Phone. 403.243.0385
Fax.     403.243.6821
email:   moffatt5@telus.net
  If all university based PTG members would encourage their piano =
departments to offer a simple, one credit course in piano technology =
familiarization, it would make a HUGE difference in what the future will =
look like. Of course that might mean teaching a course on top of an =
already full schedule of piano maintenance, but if you're serious you'll =
need to bite the bullet.

  David Pope
  Bowling Green State University
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