[CAUT] back duplex

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Thu, 18 Nov 2004 08:35:16 -0600

>I have not been back, I’m a problem, so don’t know the bearing, crown, 
>sound, etc.  Just wanted to know what others thought of the 
>solution.  Like, if your BMW’s headlights flicker, just unplug 
>them.  Mary, I thought of your solution, but I go back to…. After $28,000, 
>should the customer be expected to accept this and what will the piano 
>“do” later? Also, the maker says it ain’t right, the dealer just doesn’t 
>want to pay moving expenses, etc.  The dealer is several hours away, out 
>of state.  Thanks to all.
>Lance Lafargue, RPT

Buzzing on the aliquot is the symptom, and it seems to me that someone 
ought to be trying to discover the cause instead of just - unplugging the 
lights. I agree that braiding off the back scale isn't much of a fix for 
even a $3,999.95 flowerpot stand that shouldn't have gotten out of the 
factory in that condition in the first place, and the customer shouldn't 
put up with it. That's why I asked about the bearing and crown. I'm 
interested in knowing how the piano was set up to do this, because 
something is VERY wrong, and having details is good ammunition when you're 
talking to manufacturers and dealers.

Ron N

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