[CAUT] tuning frequency

Jeff Tanner jtanner@mozart.sc.edu
Tue, 1 Mar 2005 09:34:09 -0500

On Tuesday, March 1, 2005, at 08:20 AM, Conrad Hoffsommer wrote:

>> So, what do I do?  Well, I try to encourage my piano faculty to keep 
>> their pianos watered.  Some pianos are on their third tunings this 
>> semester, WITH Dampp-Chaser systems.
> I have a student worker attending to water levels twice a week. (60+ 
> D-C units)

They won't allow me to give my student worker a master key.  So, I 
explain to faculty if they want tuning stability, learn how to fill a 
pitcher with water.

Hey, they're the only ones in the BUILDING who don't have to know how 
to care for or tune their instrument.


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