[CAUT] tuning frequency

Avery Todd atodd@uh.edu
Tue, 01 Mar 2005 09:10:31 -0600

At 07:20 AM 3/1/2005, you wrote:
>At 15:23 2/28/2005, you wrote:
>>This is an interesting thread with some great responses.
>>Yes, Julliard can get weekly (I thought it was daily according to an 
>>article I have) tunings on teaching instruments because they have 5 full 
>>time technicians and 4 part timers for, what is it, 247 pianos?
>1 tooner/96 pianos/40 studios here - not quite Julliard...

Lucky you. 1 tooner/137 instuments/55 studios (including TA's). But at 
least we just had one of our last two older B's go out for complete 
rebuilding (except board) & refinishing. Over the summer, 3 of our concert 
D's got new hammers/shanks/flange & regulation, voicing, & whatever else 
needed attention, including pedals.

I guess in a lot of ways, I'm very lucky here. I don't have any of the 
personality type problems here that Wim & others have talked about (even 
after 12+ yrs.) and even with the
state of funding here at a state university, we still manage to get a few 
major things done.

>>I got my daily recital tuning time moved to afternoons after my first 
>>year here because of the 10 to 12 percent humidity changes that were 
>>happening between 9 am and recital time making the tunings unstable. My 
>>predecessor had had trouble with the vaccuming staff in the room. I fixed 
>>that with the time change.  And my concert tunings are MUCH more stable now.

I had that same sort of problem my first semester here. I had to tune in 
the recital hall before classes, etc. started every day and then the 
piano(s) was used most of the day right up to 30 min. prior to recital 
time. So even if I'd wanted to, I couldn't have tuned close to recital 
time. That just wasn't fair to me, the student OR the audience, so I got 
that changed the next semester and now I have reserved times at either 4 or 
5 PM, depending on the day and it's inviolate. The only way they'll change 
it is to ask me first. If there are no recitals that night, they're more 
than welcome to my tuning time. :-)


>>  No, I don't tune the recital pianos every day, but I do have time in 
>> the hall every day in case I need it.  It is much more difficult to 
>> schedule a tuning time AFTER the recital schedule has changed than it is 
>> to be the daily stronghold they have to schedule around.  But, that 
>> said, the tuning will move around from day to day. The one thing I DO 
>> try to give our students and faculty here is the best professional 
>> performance situation I can give them.
>Real world in small college:
>Today, they get what they get.
>-Guest piano recital of some ilk or other.
>-Artiste swoops in some time this morning for rehearsing (7:30 recital).
>-Hall booked solid from 0930 until 2300.
>-Two Ds on stage, no indication of preference, but probably will chose the 
>-68° 29% @ 0600 - no idea what it will be by showtime or how many times 
>pianos will be moved on and off stage for various rehearsals.
>-Touched up both this morning - will have to do WHATEVER happens during 
>the day
>Tomorrow,  I get to throw a harpsichord into the mix on stage. Does the 
>fun ever end??
>Conrad Hoffsommer, RPT, MPT, CCT, PFP, ACS, CRS.
>Decorah, IA
>- Certified Calibration Technician for Bio-powered Digitally Activated
>   Lever Action Tone Generation Systems.
>- Pianotech Flamesuit Purveyor
>- American Curmudgeon Society - Apprentice Member and Founder

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