[CAUT] Sacrifice (was tuners- technology)

Fred Sturm fssturm@unm.edu
Tue, 01 Mar 2005 17:46:32 -0700

On 3/1/05 3:33 PM, "Porritt, David" <dporritt@mail.smu.edu> wrote:

> My stock tuning for a D has C6 at 5.19 cents, C7 16.26, and C8 at 43.90.
> I've used that tuning on our recital D for years so I obviously don't
> think it's over stretched.

FWIW, and to let you folks know there is some radical out there doing much
crazier stretching, my standard recital D tuning has C8 at 63 cents (C6 at
4.4, C7 at 18 - IOW a rapid increase of stretch from C6 up. C6 down is
fairly conservative). It's been like that for at least four years (crept up
gradually until then). I have never ever had a complaint of too much
stretch. I _have_ had complaints of too little, but not recently. So I
figure I've hit it about right <g>. _I_ like the way it sounds, either
playing it or listening in the audience.
Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico

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