[CAUT] Aural-&-Electronic

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Wed, 2 Mar 2005 10:39:09 EST

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In a message dated 3/2/05 8:55:47 A.M. Central Standard Time,  tassin@msu.edu 

Well,  back to the "ole grind" and tuning those "daily" studio pianos.   Wim,
all the faculty want their pianos tuned as often as they can get  it.  In 
fact, that's when they are tuned -- as often as we can get to  them.  Think 
about it ... 
That is what is aggravating. Instead of being grateful that I tune their  
pianos once a week, they are looking at it as a "bad" thing. I tune the voice  
faculty once a month, and they don't complain. As far as the other faculty, I  
take the attitude, they're professional musicians, but it's their studio. If  
they want their piano tuned, they should ask me. If they can't hear it, that's  
not my problem. 

PS:  There is a way to tune a stable piano very  stable.  It's like being a 
magician:  The hand has to be quicker  than the ear ...  We'll talk at K.C. 
if you go this summer,  Wim.  I'll show you. 

Yes, I'll be in KC. I would be interested in learning a quick way to do a  
stable piano. I'll even buy lunch. 

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