[CAUT] Re: Temperature and pitch

Nichols nicho@zianet.com
Thu, 03 Mar 2005 08:30:45 -0700

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At 05:50 PM 3/2/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>The strings go sharp when they are cooler than the plate, and flat when
>they are warmer than the plate.  I happens fast - a matter of a very few
>minutes - even seconds if there is a draft.  If the piano has been
>subjected to a major temperature change, wait a few hours until everything
>in the piano has come to the same tempterture, and it should be back on
>pitch.  The cast iron plate and the steel strings have similar temperature
>Jim Ellis

    From the department of redundancy department, here we are again on this 
subject. Back on Feb. twenty-tooth, (subject: Mind-Bender), I was confused 
about one of your statements and I am still perplexed. I hope you can find 
time to help my two remaining brain cells understand what you mean when you 

" If the piano has been
>subjected to a major temperature change, wait a few hours until everything
>in the piano has come to the same tempterture, and it should be back on 

Are you saying that if everything in the piano reaches the same 
temperature, even if that is a different temperature than where it started, 
that it will be back on pitch? Or do you mean that despite a "major" 
change, when the piano returns to it's original temperature it will be back 
on pitch?

Guy Nichols, RPT

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